The dinosaurs didn’t use Social Media. If they didn’t need it, why would we? It was a few days into our holiday when the answer came.
Winter sun seemed like a great idea. Covid was about to explode, but we had booked months ago, and the seriousness wasn’t yet obvious to us. There were 85 confirmed cases in the UK when we left and 1140 on our return.
We’ve windsurfed for decades, but the winter sea temperatures in the UK are now well beyond our comfort threshold! The temperature didn’t disappoint, the wind was decent and the turtles beautiful. Having joked with a friend about getting injured on day 1, it seems like my predictions might be better left unsaid! Within 20 mins of the first windsurfing session, I had a big lump on top of my shoulder. An evening internet session left little doubt that I had damaged the ‘AC Joint’ which stabilises the collar bone and shoulder blade – Ouch. Ignore medical advice, take pain killers and carry-on windsurfing for the next week. Nature is a marvellous teacher – I am not such a marvellous pupil.
We spend a lot of time working with amazing people, many of whom struggle to see how incredible they are. Time after time, we have seen people overcome challenges and create a new future. That future might be feeling confident enough to speak to a neighbour, or it might be starting a new global enterprise. For the individual, both of these can feel like a mountain to climb, and both can trigger reactions and fears that paralyse. We passionately believe that it doesn’t have to be this way.
The discussions turned to our own experience of seeing ourselves differently, and how that lay at the heart of our personal transformations. In our professional and volunteering lives we were reaching individuals and small groups. Great though that was, why would the things we were seeing be limited to only a very few? What if we could create something that would allow many, many more people to break through their fears and fulfil their dreams?
I remember the precise spot where Sharon uttered the words ‘Social Media’. My mind flashed to my discomfort and incompetence with Social Media. I wasn’t on Facebook; Instagram was a complete mystery, and other platforms sounded like a set of Scrabble letters. But I had used Twitter – to complain once about a train journey! Probably not quite ready for what was coming next – but the seeds had been sown and the gauntlet laid down.